lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2018

Dec. 6 - Pregon Taurino Neoyorquino


15:31 (Hace 3 horas.)

para nycctusa
New York City Club Taurino
December 6, 2018

Pregon 2018

Don Gaston Ramírez Cuevas

“The Rise and Fall of Bullfights in Mexico”
(in English)

Mexico is as fundamental to the development of tauromachia as Spain. Toreo is not only a reflection of the Spanish culture – it is also the embodiment of much of Mexican culture with over 250 ganaderias of toros bravos and over 600 plazas de toros. But is the taurine tradition of these two great countries suffering the same fate? Although the NYCCT has predominantly focused on Spanish tauromachia, it is of great importance that we also know what  is happening south of our own border.

Gaston Ramierz is the ideal person to guide us through the maze. He is a well-respected and well-known aficionado who “calls it as he sees it”. Known for being extremely knowledgeable and brutally frank, Gaston is a member of a number of international taurine juries, including that of the Fundacion Cruz Campo in Sevilla that awards the prestigious “Premio Blanco y Oro” to the outstanding ganaderia every year. He also writes taurine chronicles and articles for El Correo de Anadaluica, La Jornada Maya, the Mexican magazine Matador, and Carlos Crivell’s annual yearbook, Maestranza. D. Gaston has also translated Andre Viard’s Terre Taurins from French into Spanish, and participated in innumerable Spanish and French radio and television programs. Although D. Gaston is not new to being a pregonero – he was the Pregonero for the prestigious taurine club  “Los Trece” in Sevilla - this is his first Pregon in English!

It is an honor to have D. Gaston as the 2018 Pregonero for the New York City Club Taurino!

December 6
45 Downing Street

6:30 PM Cocktails
7:30 PM Dinner
8:30 PM Pregon

$45 Members and $50 Guests
RSVP by return email

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